
Terrific Two’s (2 - 3 years)

This is an exciting time in the life of a two year old.
They are curious, they have boundless energy and, developmentally, they are beginning to exercise their independence, establish their sense of autonomy and inherent need to make their own choices and, no doubt, are into and exploring everything. We define it as their “having a love-affair with the world” and it is beautiful to watch.
Having an understanding of this huge developmental shift guides our teacher in providing experiences that allow two-year old children to build knowledge and to actively explore and interact with their environment in a way that supports their growing independence. It is our goal to help children develop a strong self-image through a curriculum that incorporates both child-directed and teacher-directed activities so that cognitive, motor, language and social skills are enhanced. Most importantly, we believe that his can only be accomplished in an environment that is warm, nurturing and playful.

Because we know so much rapid growth and ability across cognitive, motor, and social domains happen continuously during this second year, we have divided our two-year old children into three small classes. As stated above, there is such a spurt of growth during this second year with enhanced intellectual and emotional abilities emerging every three months that it is incumbent on Heritage Learning Academy to enhanced our curriculum to meet and offer challenges for these growing abilities. What they could not do three months earlier, the two year old child can now do with “relative” ease. As long as these more challenging activities are presented in a fun way, children thrive on their mastery. They build self-confidence, and they enjoy a sense of pride in their accomplishments. 

Here at Heritage Learning Academy, we take particular pride in our philosophy and commitment to smaller class room size overall and, in particular, in our two year old classes. In our younger two’s, we have a maximum of 9 children in each class. In our older two’s, which is our Transitions room, we have a maximum of 16 children in the class with two teachers. Smaller classroom size allows a more individual focus on children and more time is spent teaching and engaging children rather than focusing on managing the rambunctious nature of twenty-two (Yes, 22!) two-year olds that is the industry standard. Added to that is the fact that these are potty-training classes. We cannot imagine what it would be like to have twenty-two potty training two year olds in the same class regardless of the number of teachers!
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